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  • Accreditation


Accreditation means the certification, usually for a particular period of time, of a person, a body or an institution as having the capacity to fulfill a particular function in the quality assurance system set up by the South African Qualifications Authority in terms of the Act.

New Applications

Step 1: TETA can only assist any Skills Development Providers (SDPs) on accreditation matters if all the QCTO requirements are met (Refer to the QCTO Letter dated June 2018). The implications of the QCTO letter for accreditation are:

  • All SDPs must apply for accreditation at QCTO when applying for accreditation, re-accreditation/ extension of accreditation period or extension of scope.
  • Letter of intent to be fully completed and submitted to QCTO, please access the letter of Intent on https://www.qcto.org.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=115
  • For further information please liaise with QCTO directly on 012 003 1800 requesting the accreditation department, or email to : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Note: if only applying for single unit standards, please skip Step 1

Step 2: Based on QCTO feedback, if the SDP is referred to TETA for accreditation process (QCTO letter as evidence), the following is to be submitted to TETA Offices in a hard copy file:

  • For further details, refer to the Accreditation guidelines.
  • Accreditation application must be completed and submitted with the below-supporting evidence:
  • Completed and signed the Official TETA application form
  • Completed and signed Provider self-assessment & site report
  • A company profile (or Business plan)
  • Valid Tax Clearance Certificate
  • Signed lease agreement for the SDP’s offices
  • Legal registration of the company in terms of South African law (CIPC)
  • Referral letter confirming accreditation from primary ETQA (if accredited with other SETA) and Copy of accreditation letter with Primary ETQA
  • A copy of the Quality Management System (See the list of policies and procedures required on the provider self-assessment & site report)
  • Copy of TETA approved Learning material for all unit standards applying for (if developed own material, refer to approval requirements)
  • Proof of TETA registered Assessor/s for each of the unit standards applying for (accompanied by a signed agreement/SLA by both parties)
  • Proof of TETA registered Moderator/s for each of the unit standards applying for (accompanied by a signed agreement/SLA by both parties)
  • If new applications are to be submitted for Assessor and Moderator (refer to registration requirements)
  • Proof of other accreditation, approval, or recognition as a training provider by any recognised body (e.g. CAA, SAMSA, etc.)
  • Evidence of learning resources necessary to deliver the scope of training (e.g. Agreements, Asset list, Rental, Confirmation letters, etc.). Learning resources include machines, tools, etc.

Step 3: Submitted application and supporting documents to be evaluated by TETA and feedback provided to the applicant:

  • TETA to send evaluation report detailing feedback and corrective actions
  • TETA to conduct site verification/visit
    • If site verification outcome is none-compliant, the SDP does not meet minimum requirements. TETA to inform the SDP of gaps and SDP to re-submit additional evidence to be considered for further evaluation.
    • If site verification outcome is compliant, the SDP meets minimum requirements, TETA to recommend for approval to the committee.
  • The committee to review recommendations and make a decision (approve/not approve)
    • Should the committee not approve, the SDP to be informed of gaps and SDP to re-submit additional evidence to be considered for further evaluation.
    • Should the committee approve, TETA to issue an accreditation letter to the SDP.

Extension of Scope applications

  • Accreditation with TETA must still be valid to apply
  • Completed and signed Official TETA application form (select the Extension of scope option on Page 3).
  • Copy of TETA approved Learning material for all unit standards applying for (if developed own material, refer to approval requirements)
  • Proof of TETA registered Assessor/s for each of the unit standards applying for (accompanied by a signed agreement/SLA by both parties)
  • Proof of TETA registered Moderator/s for each of the unit standards applying for (accompanied by a signed agreement/SLA by both parties)

Re-Accreditation and Full Accreditation

  • Completed and signed the Official TETA application form (select the Re-Accreditation option on Page 3).
  • Valid Tax Clearance Certificate
  • Signed lease agreement for the SDP’s offices
  • Legal registration of the company in terms of South African law (CIPC)
  • Valid accreditation letter from primary ETQA (if accredited with other SETA)
  • Copy of TETA approved Learning material for all unit standards accredited for
  • Proof of TETA registered Assessor/s for each of the unit standards accredited for (accompanied by a signed agreement/SLA by both parties)
  • Proof of TETA registered Moderator/s for each of the unit standards accredited for (accompanied by a signed agreement/SLA by both parties)
  • TETA endorsed External Moderation report or Audit/Monitoring report for the period under review.
  • Evidence of learning resources necessary to deliver the scope of training (e.g. Agreements, Asset list, Rental, Confirmation letters, etc.). Learning resources include machines, tools, etc.

Assessor and Moderator Applications

  • Assessor/Moderator, the following must also be submitted:
  • Submit a completed application form and indicate the unit standards you want to assess/moderate on Page 3 of the application form. The unit standards wishing to be accredited for must be within TETA’s scope with SAQA (refer to saqa.org.za)
  • Certified copy of ID document (not older than 3 months) or
  • Certified copy of valid Passport and Applicable permit (if applicable) 
  • Certified copy of relevant driver’s license (if applicable)
  • Certified copy of the ETDP SETA statement of results reflecting relevant unit standards (Assessor/Moderator)
  • Certified copies of relevant qualifications, academic records, etc.
  • Certified copies of relevant certificates and Statements of results issued by an authorised body, etc.
  • Certified copy of current lifting machine operator license (where applicable) and Statement of results issued by an authorised body, etc.
  • Must meet any regulatory licensing requirements (depending on the unit standard requirements, additional information may be required).
  • It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) and submit the evaluation report as part of the application.
  • Submit a detailed current CV, detailing your Education and Training experience as well as Work-Related experience. Must have a minimum of 2-3 years experience of technical/ practical industry experience in the field related to unit standard/qualification.



TETA was established in terms of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 (SDA). It is a public entity that reports to the Minister of Higher Education and Training and operates under the oversight of National Treasury in terms of performance management and financial administration. TETA is a Sector Education Training Authority (SETA) responsible for skills development in the transport sector.


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