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Learning Programmes

Learning Programmes

Learning programmes refer to programmes inclusive of a structured work experience component and these are in a form of a Learnership, Apprenticeship, Skills Programme, Internship and any other prescribed set of learning offerings which include a structured work experience.

Definitions of Workplace Based Interventions

   Interventions  Definitions  TETA APP Terminology
1.   Apprenticeship  Means a period of workplace based learning culminating in an occupational qualification for a listed trade.  Apprenticeship
 2.  Learnerships  Means a period of workplace-based learning culminating in an occupational qualification or part qualification.  Learnerships
 3.  Internship for the “N” Diploma  A period of workplace-based learning undertaken as part of the requirement for the ‘’N” Diploma.  TVET WIL
 4.  Student internship: Category A  A period of workplace-based learning undertaken as part of the requirement for the Diploma, National Diploma, Higher certificate or Advanced Certificate as a vocational qualification stipulated in the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF)  HEI WIL
 5.  Student internship: Category B  A period of workplace-based learning undertaken as part of the requirement for a professional qualification.  
 6.  Student internship: Category C  A period of workplace-based learning undertaken as part of the requirement for the Occupational Qualifications of the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO).  Occupational Qualifications
 7.  Student Internship  A period of workplace-based learning for a person who is enrolled at an education and training institution for a SAQA registered qualification and may include vacation work.  
8. Graduate Internship A period of workplace-based learning for the purpose of allowing a person who has completed a post-school qualification to gain workplace experience or even exposure to enhance competence and/or employability. This may include academic staff with existing qualifications that need industrial exposure or experience. Internship
9. Candidacy A period of workplace-based learning undertaken by a graduate as part of the requirement for registration as a professional in the required professional designation as stipulated by ta professional body Candidacy

Stakeholders templates to register DG learners and non-funded learners


TETA was established in terms of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 (SDA). It is a public entity that reports to the Minister of Higher Education and Training and operates under the oversight of National Treasury in terms of performance management and financial administration. TETA is a Sector Education Training Authority (SETA) responsible for skills development in the transport sector.


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