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  • Email us: info@teta.org.za

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TETA is responsible for Quality Assurance functions as delegated by Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO), in terms of the NQF Act (Act No. 67 of 2008) and Skills Development Act (Act No. 97 of 1998, as amended). All the delegated functions are discharged in accordance with the Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework (OQSF) and QCTO policies. ETQA Unit within TETA ensures skills delivery in line with QCTO requirements through the promotion of excellent service to all stakeholders.

ETQA functions are to:

  1. Qualification Development Roles and Responsibilities
    • Compile and maintain a list of all Historically Registered Qualifications (HRQ) per allocated sub-fields.
    • Identify legacy qualifications to be de-registered (Occupational Qualification exist, No uptake for the past 3 years, duplicated, etc).
    • Compile a list of new qualifications and skills programmes (Part Qualifications) required by the Industry within the SETA allocated sub field.
    • Collaborate and recommend qualification development, realignment and review to QCTO.
    • Compile a database of subject-matter experts (SMEs) from Industry, TVETS and social partners for Qualification Development.

  2. Accreditation Roles and Responsibilities
    • Monitor provision by constituent providers
    • Promote quality amongst constituent providers
    • Accredit constituent providers for specific standards or qualifications registered on the NQF
    • Evaluate, conduct site visits and recommend accreditation or de-accreditation of Skills Development Providers (SDP) and Assessment Centers (AC) to QCTO.
    • Identify sites to be de-accredited (Non-complying, no learner uptake for the past 3 years)
    • Compile, maintain and submit accreditation schedules of all accredited and de-accredited sites (SDPs and ACs) to QCTO.

  3. Assessment Roles and Responsibilities
    • Submit learner achievements to the QCTO
    • Conduct assessment monitoring (FISA, EISA, Trade Test)
    • Convene SMEs to develop assessment instruments according to QCTO blueprint
    • Conduct external moderation (the current practice for PoEs) and ensure submission to QCTO
    • Investigate and recommend SDPs not complying with guidelines to the QCTO for de-accreditation
    • Compile and maintain a list of all learner enrolments and planned assessments for qualifications within the allocated sub field
    • Ensure that all qualifications with the SETA sub-fields have supervised final assessment (i.e. assessment in addition to evidence).

  4. Certification Roles and Responsibilities
    • Issue learner certificates/statements of results for legacy occupational qualifications, skills programmes and unit standards
    • Upload learner data to the NLRD as required by SAQA within prescribed timeframes.
    • Ensure learner achievements are certified within prescribed turnaround time and certificates distributed to SDPs (for further distribution to learners).

  5. Work Place Approval Roles and Responsibilities
    • Conduct workplace approval site visits and issue approval letter to the employer.
    • Conduct workplace approval site visits and issue approval letter to the employer.
    • Identify sites to be de-accredited (Non-complying, no learner uptake for the past 3 years)
    • Facilitate work place approval for all qualifications within their allocated sub field (for levy paying and exempted employers);


TETA was established in terms of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 (SDA). It is a public entity that reports to the Minister of Higher Education and Training and operates under the oversight of National Treasury in terms of performance management and financial administration. TETA is a Sector Education Training Authority (SETA) responsible for skills development in the transport sector.


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