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Information Technology Unit


The IT Unit is mainly responsible for the implementation of the ‘Corporate Governance of Information Communication Technology’ by aligning TETA’s strategic vision and objectives with ICT for the purpose of optimising the ICT enablement of adequate and efficient service delivery. The IT unit is also responsible for automation of TETA’s key business processes and ensuring that the automated or information systems and information residing in those systems is integrated, agile, intelligent and secured from emerging cybercrimes.

Key Functions

The strategic functions for the IT unit are as follows:

  • Ensuring adequate ICT Governance processes, plans and programmes;
  • Information Security which includes Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery systems;
  • Business Process alignment and continuous improvements;
  • Provision and ensuring of availability of ICT infrastructure and related services to internal stakeholders;
  • Portfolio, programme and project management and support;



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I.T Practitioner

011 577 7043 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



TETA was established in terms of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 (SDA). It is a public entity that reports to the Minister of Higher Education and Training and operates under the oversight of National Treasury in terms of performance management and financial administration. TETA is a Sector Education Training Authority (SETA) responsible for skills development in the transport sector.


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Fraud Hotline

Free call number: 0800 222 376
Email: teta@thehotline.co.za
Website: https://www.thehotline.co.za/report - use 0800 222 376 to report
SMS: 30916  
Vuvuzela Hotline Mobile app  - Download from Play store use 0800 222 376 to report
Fax: 0867 261 681
Post: PO Box 10512, Centurion, 0046 


Business Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 16:30 pm